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  Society of Cypriot Studies participatesin a cofunded Erasmus Programme since September of 2016 in

S.T.A.DY DANCE: Skills and Tools to Address Diversity in Dance Training


S.T.A.DY DANCE: Skills and Tools to Address Diversity in Dance Training
Dance is a very popular cultural and educational activity around the world. Dance training in Europe is currently subject to permanent socio, economic, cultural changes. Rapid changes in the labor market and the increasing diversity in society require improved skills and an enhanced capacity of adaptation. The common ground of the partnership is sharing a strong interest in promoting better awareness of the educational opportunities and identifying gaps in dance training in the respective partner countries. All partners acknowledge the need of creating an inter-cultural dialogue on dance training that will lead to the improvement of the competences of professional trainers in managing educational paths and activities at a European level.

S.T.A.DY DANCE is focused on the development of alternative training methods and approaches stimulating the (re)-integration of diverse groups of trainees with various backgrounds (professionals, beginners, disadvantaged, amateurs, dance students, seniors, children, disabled etc.) into dance training. Through the exchange of practices, teachers’ training in various dances (classical, contemporary, multicultural etc.) and pilot implementation of training students we aim to create a common model of improved educational techniques that will reinforce the educational profile of dance trainers and enhance their employability. Our aim is to foster the preparation of the education and training of professionals for equity, diversity and inclusion challenges in the learning environment. Consequently individual and collective experience among all stakeholders will be utilized in order to provide dance trainers with training tools applicable to a variety of diverse trainees both in formal and non-formal education. The project based transnational collaboration will respectively facilitate the access of diverse groups of learners to high quality education and training. Furthermore the partnership will increase synergies and links among dance training providers (dance companies, institutions of vocational training, cultural centers, dance schools, colleges) and therefore promote interaction between practice and research in strengthening key competences in VET curricula.


Dudley College of Technology
(United Kingdom)
Companhia de Danca de Almada

Ekpaideftiria Kaloskami S.A. - IEK AXIA


Society of Cypriot Studies


Trainers' training will be implemented on two parallel levels:

1) Internal: each partner organization will organize experimental workshops with diverse target groups. Dance trainers will test and pilot implement specific dance techniques in two or more of diverse target groups: professionals, dance students, newcomers, amateurs, seniors, immigrants, disabled, children etc. The trainees groups will consist by 10 participants. The participating organizations who belong to the partnership address different audiences therefore it is up to each partner to select the groups of trainees that will serve as its target group.

2) External: within the frame of short-term joint staff training events each institution will organize 5 days learning activities for the partners dance trainers. Depending on the nature of the host organization and its scope of activity related to dance, it will demonstrate its own exclusive training techniques and methods in order to transfer knowledge and experience in particular training modules to the dance trainers involved in the project. At the end group meetings will be held among trainers in order provide feedback and suggest improvements on the proposed techniques.

Both initiatives will produce a number of multicultural approaches which will undergo assessment and evaluation from all stakeholders in the partnership.

INTERNAL - Pilot Implementation

EXTERNAL - Short-term joint staff training events

More info : http://stadydance.eu/



1.                  For the smooth functioning of the Society and of the Cyprus Folk Art Museum, the following committees have been formed:

·        Museum Management Committee

·        Library Committee

·        Ad hoc Publications Committee

·        Publications Committee

·        Permanent Committee for the organisation of the Fourth Cyprological Conference

·        Committee of the Friends of the Cyprus Folk Art Museum

2.                  Inventory of the collection of Maria Eleftheriou-Gaffiero

3.                  In September the Exhibition of Shadow Theatre will be presented to the public. Within the framework of the inauguration proceedings a lecture will be given on the Cyprus Karaghiozis, and a performance will also be held.

4.         IV International Cyprological Congress