The Congress will be held during
Greek-Orthodox Easter holidays (after the Holy Week), a high season
period and it is possible that some difficulties in accommodation or in
plane-tickets bookings might appear, therefore it is important that
participants make their travel arrangements as soon as possible.
‘Everest General Tourist Agency’ has been appointed by the Organizing
Committee to assist participants in all travel arrangements at reduced
rates and to provide information concerning flights, transportation and
hotel bookings. If you would like to take advantage of the offers of the
above named Travel Agency please fill in the attached form and send it
to the following address by mail, fax or post:
Everest General Tourist Agency (Mrs. Elena Thoma)
P.O. Box 22271, CY-1519 Nicosia, Cyprus
tel: +357-22.456.161
fax: +357-22.666.502,
Please double click and download the following form:


Department of Postal Services has already
designed and is going to issue 60.000
souvenir sheets especially for the IV
International Cyprological Congress. The
size of souvenir sheet is 65x75mm and has
one internal perforated stamp 38x38mm. The
souvenir sheet will be disposed for the
period of a year unless previously sold out.
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